Upcoming Works

Upcoming Works

Hey everybody, Tesia Blake here with an update for you!

Some years ago, my mom and I wrote the first book in a mystery series we plan to publish, called Tex of Texas, and I drew the illustrations. So I will be working on fixing up the pictures I drew so they'll be ready for the book itself! I'll actually be alternating between that and posting more Shivers and Hatcher comics, so don't worry; those two are not going anywhere anytime soon!

So stay tuned, and don't be surprised if you see these two dogs on your local bookshelf before long!

P.S. I would still greatly appreciate any new subscribers to my website; just type your email address into the Email box under "Subscribe to my emails" on the home page for tesiastechnicolor.wixsite.com/mysite! And of course, any donations from you are greatly appreciated!

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